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Upgrade your store

Upgrade Guide PrestaShop v.1.4

Before you upgrade

- Make a copy of your store to use as a backup. You can check your shop, modules, and themes to work correctly on the backup, as soon as you change the version. You can then perform operations on your store as soon as you change the version. So, the store you are currently using will continue to receive orders while you are doing the necessary checks.

- Check your topic by using our online validator topic at this link: this page:

You can check that your theme is compatible with your store, using version 1.4 PrestaShop. There is a tutorial on-site to assist you in this phase.

Update in 4 steps

There are four main stages of renovation PrestaShop:

- Back up your shop

- Prepare files to add your changes to the new version

- Automatically update the script to launch PrestaShop

- Test to check that your shop is open

Backup Database

You can save your database right out of the back office to Tools > Backup tab BDD. Please note that this process may take several minutes if you have a large database. If your database is too large to use an integrated tool PrestaShop, you can save your database using PhpMyAdmin or similar tools.

Before proceeding, check that your backup file is not corrupt, trying to open it to compress files (eg, 7 - Zip is available for free on Your file is not damaged, if it can be extracted without any problems. If it is damaged you will have to step back up the database again.

Backing up the file on your local computer.


This step is necessary only if you made a few changes in the basic translations of PrestaShop. Translations of the modules and the fact that you have done will always be kept. You can export your translations from the back office, using Tools > Translation.

Store the file on your local computer.


Connecting to an FTP software and keep all the files in your store on your local computer. You may also be able to copy files directly to your remote server.

File preparation

Save on the latest version of PrestaShop and unpack the downloaded archive.

Rename the folder named administrator of your store. For example, if a file of your store is "admin123", then your folder

called "admin123".

Copy all of the personalized content of your store to a new version of PrestaShop. This includes the following folders:

- Copy all the files/mail. This folder contains all the mail templates and files that you edited from your back office.

- Copy all images (except those in /img/administrator subfolders) in /img. Images of /img/administrator folder contains images from PrestaShop software.

- I/O modules, copy the modules you have added and editorial.xml file from the editorial module, if

years, to use it. Native modules must not be copied, as they are updated with the new version. Any additional modules that you have uploaded, will be considered separately.

- A copy of the theme or themes that were added in the/topic. Note: do not copy the main theme is PrestaShop.

- Copy all the contents/download and/upload folder. They contain downloadable items in your store, attached documents and custom products.

If you are using it .htaccess file, copy it to save the configuration specific to your hosting for recover .htaccess file, note that this is fundamentally PrestaShop (in the first file folder in which PrestaShop installed). Please note that you need to update it automatically as soon as your upgrade is complete, click on Tools> Generators tab

back office. It contains a certain amount of information associated with your host, will not change, and data that need to be updated with the new version.

Finally, copy/config/ file from his former shop on the new one. Again, you need to copy the file from the folder with your former store in the folder containing the files to your new store. This file contains the configuration settings of your store.

Your PrestaShop installation is now up to date and you can download all the files you have just prepared for your web server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software.

Update script

N of W that you update the files with the new version, PrestaShop will deal with developing the database structure directly. To do this, run the update script with your browser by going to/page setup of your store, press

"Update" and follow the instructions. For example, update and click option).

After completing the uninstall/install folder from the folder to the remote web server using your FTP software.

Finishing concerns and testicular

If you made significant changes to the PrestaShop translations, you can re-import the translations that you previously exported using the Tools > Translations tab in the back office. If not, then we recommend that you store a new set translation provided PrestaShop. Note that the translation modules and themes that you've added are always kept.

Now you must make sure your modules and themes that are compatible with the latest version PrestaShop.Please visit the following link to view our useful information: themes.
To complete the upgrade, you can also use the tips on the website back office. We recommend that your reactivation. .htaccess file by clicking Tools > Generators tab in your back office.

We also recommend that you take all the tests necessary to ensure that your shop is working properly: Create a customer account, add items to your shopping cart, place your order, etc.

Shop Online Migration

N on N, that you have verified that your store is working correctly, you can perform these procedures at your online store. Make the most features available to you with PrestaShop 1.4.

In case of problems

Please do not hesitate to contact the support team PrestaShop if you have technical problems. Best way to contact us by e-mail at When you contact us, please include the original version that you have made updates, URL-address of your store, as detailed a description of the problem, and possibly a copy of the screen, the hostname and everything else that you think might be useful.

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