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Module PrestaShop Instagram

Developed by Prestapro Themes

based on 3 customer reviews
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Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
Module PrestaShop Instagram
<p><span>Under a Single Site License for the template you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the template on a single domain.</span></p>

  • Single license + year support
  • Support year only
  • Single license + сapability with PrestaShop 8


Module PrestaShop Instagram allows you to display the last posts from your account, simple synchronization and you show the most current news and offers on your site, the module has many settings and allows to fine tune the display of images.

More details


  • PrestaShop Compatibility
  • Browsers compatibility
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • IE11+ / Edge
    • Opera
    • Safari
  • Functional
    • Social Widgets
  • Traffic
    • Improve visibility on social networks
    • Improve visibility on social networks

Benefits for Merchants

  • Best deals
  • Best navigation
  • A more attractive site
  • Ability to display multiple images
  • Rich settings


  • Container class - class, that adds to the main module wrap in front. This can be, for example, class col-md-6 to set 50% width ( It can be set multiple classes divided with white space.
  • Hook - hook in which module will display Instagram photos. There available four standard hooks - displayHome, displayFooter, displayLeftColumn, displayRightColumn and one custom hook displayInstagram. In order to display this hook, insert the following code to any tpl file:
  • Image size - there are three types of images available - normal (the biggest), small and thumbnail (the smallest).
  • Open post on click on - when a customer clicks on an image in a carousel post can be opened in a modal window or in a new tab on Instagram site.
  • Slide changing speed - speed in ms with which slides change.
  • Autoplay speed - a pause in ms before slides change in autoplay mode if set 0 - autoplay disabled.
  • Slides preview - how many slides visible in carousel
  • Slides per column - if it set 2, then you will have two rows of slides, 3 - three rows and so on.
  • Slides per group - how many slides change on a slide.
  • Effect - available four effects (slide, fade, cube, flip), only slide effect work with multiple slides, other work only with one slide. That means that slides per view slides per column and slides per group automatically set to 1 before slider displays in front.
  • Show arrows - show or not arrows control
  • Show bullets - show or not bullets
  • Enable loop - if set “yes” then slides display as infinity loop. This feature does not work if slides per column more than one.

Benefits for customers

  • Your site will be more beautiful and brighter for your customers.
  • Customers will see your best offers and news.


Module PrestaShop Instagram is installed like any other module. Simply upload your archive and click Install.


We guarantee the operation of the module with a standard template. ** If you need help in customization or fix, please contact us for pricing information.

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